Saturday, 18 October 2014

How Time got a little bit Warped

Last week I spent about an hour and a half in A&E. Somehow though it felt much longer. Let's face it, watching the waiting room TV with the sound off is only interesting for a little while. On the other hand I could spend the same amount of time reading a book, or watching a film (with the sound on), and it would only feel like a couple of minutes had passed. I know that waiting rooms are boring and that reading books are interesting and so that affects how I perceive time, but why?

Thus I started reading this book:

Time Warped - Claudia Hammond

I'm nearly 100 pages and it is sort of blowing my mind. If you have wondered about what I said above then this book may answer your ponderings. There are only six chapters and each one has an interesting title, but the chapter that I am really looking forward to reading is Chapter Four - Why Does Time Speed As You Get Older? Because that is true - Christmas comes round quicker each year - what I want to know is if there is a way to slow it down, just so I can have longer to do Christmas shopping!

This week I am looking forward to having time to read on...

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