
Friday, 15 November 2019

Sofa Spotlight - Everyday Church, Tim Chester & Steve Timmis

This isn’t a new book, in fact when I went to check when it had been written I was shocked to discover that it’s not far off being ten years old. But its age doesn’t mean that it has lost any of its relevance. In fact if anything it has probably become more relevant. The message it is speaking is one of how the church can reach out to our generation with the message of Jesus as a community.

The book starts with facts and figures that paint a dark picture of where we are as a church in terms of numbers in pews. But this isn’t designed to be depressing (though it is a little discouraging) but to state the fact that the world in which we live is different to the world in which our grandparents went to church.

What I loved about this book was the way they used 1Peter to illustrate and explain what it is like to live as a Christian on the margins of society. It described how communities look different on the margins rather than at the centre of society. Implications for evangelism are also described and make for an interesting read as it turns typical methods which I grew up in their head.

So yes well worth a read and I’m glad I found it lurking on my bookshelf.

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