Friday, 29 November 2019

Sofa Spotlight - The Shadow Doctor, Adrian Plass

Not a long read but a very interesting one. The basic premise is that the main character, Jack, has lost both parents and his grandmother, who he was particularly close to. She has left him a letter explaining how she met someone called Doc who became a good friend to her in her final months. She wants Jack to contact him as she thinks the Doc will be able to help him. 

Jack does so and as readers we quickly become aquatinted with the Shadow Doctor, who is kind of a like a super hero whose super power is counselling! And Jack soon finds himself acting as side kick. 
There’s a few themes in this book but probably the overall one is of Christians being themselves as created by God, and being hurt by programmes and cultures that try to fit people into one or occasionally several boxes. The shadow Doctor is working to undo some of this hurt and free people to follow Jesus. 

Overall I enjoyed this book but there were a few themes that were left undeveloped and I would have liked to have seen more. But I feel that leaving these things open ended may have been the point. 

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