Monday, 1 June 2020

Sofa Spotlight - The Pastor's Kid, Barnabas Piper

There was a good reason for me reading this book. It resonated with me because I grew up in a home where my dad was the minister of our small Baptist church. And although Barnabas Piper is an American, and the son of the pastor of a much larger church, there was still much in this book that translates to my experience.

What is great about the book is that it takes both sides. What it’s like for the child of a pastor but also what members of a church can do to help. My own experience was kind of alright, it had its rougher moments, but some children find I hard to grow up in that environment.

For me there were some very challenging chapters. They highlighted things that I’m guilty of – and the frightening part was that I wasn’t always aware of them. So I’m grateful to this book for not only shining a light on those areas, but also talking about the grace of God and showing a different way of responding to church life.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It’s worth reading if you part of a church because if you’re not part of your pastor’s family, then it’s good to know what it might be like for them, and how you can help them. And also if you are a PK have a read. I was glad to know that my experience was not unique and particularly that it hadn’t gone unnoticed by God.

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