Friday, 4 September 2020

Sofa Spotlight - A History of Ancient Egypt, John Romer

This is one of those books that I thought was going to be one thing and turned out to be another. This is why you should always read blurbs properly. But as it happens, it was a happy mistake and I thoroughly enjoyed this. The book covers Egyptian history from the very very beginning – with the farmers who were there first and ends with the first pharaohs.

I’ve loved Egyptian history since I was in school, but this read taught me about a part of their history that I hadn’t considered, like where the first Egyptians came from and how their religion and culture developed.

To do the book justice though, as it was quite technical in places, it was a morning read with coffee on tap. But it was so worth the extra effort and my mind and historical knowledge was stretched. And when I got to the end I found there is a second volume! Wonder what I will be reading next!

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