Monday, 11 January 2021

Sofa Spotlight - Gentle and Lowly, Dane Ortland

I read this because it had been recommended to me a few times – and I can see why it was recommended. The book looks at what is the heart of Christ and delves deep into what the means for us as Christians today.

When I was reading this, I was astounded because this book could have been written for me. The stuff it covers is things where I thought I must be the only one who felt like that but turns out there are lots of people! If you’ve ever thought that you are a Christian because God has to let you and He disapproves or is disappointed with you then this is the book for you.

It is beautifully written, and although it’s not the longest of books it is one that you will want to spend a long time in. There is so much to consider and truths that need time to really sink into your soul.

If you read no other book this year let it be this one. You won’t regret it.

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