Friday, 19 June 2020

Sofa Spotlight - Bible Matters, Tim Chester

After reading Mission Matters, it made sense to follow it up with this one. And this is my favourite of the two. Which on reflection might say more about me than the book, in that I probably find the Bible a more interesting topic than mission!

But that doesn’t lessen how exciting this book is. It gets you excited about the Bible. And I already like the Bible (a lot) but this inspired me much more than I was expecting. It isn’t a long read – I read it in a couple of ours. Once I got going with it I couldn’t put it down but I think a slower pace would work equally well.

This is an important book because it reminds us of how important and unique the Bible is. It inspires us by telling the story of what it has cost to have the Bible in many languages, and how highly it has been valued in the past.

If I had one criticism it’s that I’m not a huge fan of the cover – but the contents of the book more than made up for it and put it as one of the best books I read last year.

So not only inspiring but challenging as well.

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