Monday, 30 March 2020

Sofa Spotlight - Mission Matters, Tim Chester

This was another Christmas read that was quickly devoured. Having said that, I actually ended up rereading parts of it and there was a one particular section that will stay with me for a long time. For such a short book there’s a lot packed into it and I found it to be very inspiring.

And it’s an interesting colour.

What I found so good about this book was the weaving together of what the Bible says about mission and the history of mission. I think it’s very easy to forget that as people of God we have been sent to tell people the good news about what God has done. And I don’t often reflect on how effective that has been in the past or on the bravery of people who went to share the gospel with people who would otherwise have never heard.

Thinking about how we can fulfil this when we are all self isolating and staying home is a bit trickier and I don’t think many of us would have foreseen circumstances like ours today. Still the Word of God does still get out and about and it’s great to see that it is not bound by the virus.

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