Monday, 26 October 2020

Sofa Spotlight - The Road to Somewhere, David Goodhart

Books about politics are not my first choice of reading material. I wouldn’t normally review them either as I find it a difficult subject to follow. So, I don’t really know what I was thinking in picking this one up, other than I did political history for my a-levels and I had a small amount of curiosity to see where things had progressed to.

My first surprise was that I was able to follow the arguments and kind of understand what the book is about. I think at a basic level it is trying to understand what happened with the Brexit referendum and to predict what might come in future votes, whether that’s referendums or elections. For me it made sense in what had to say about the values of the British people and how that influences their decisions in the polling booth.

Not sure if I would recommend it. I was a bit late to the party on this one and, although it is still relevant, there are possibly other things that are influencing politics right now.

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