Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Sofa Spotlight - Inferno, Dan Brown

What's it about?

It's the latest novel about Robert Langdon, and it is another race against time. In this adventure, Langdon is following the trail set down by a scientist who claims to be about to change the world. The scientist character has been concerned about population growth and how the planet will cope with the increase, or rather how the planet will not cope. It sounds like he is planning to wipe out a massive chunk of the world's population. This is not ok with Langdon. The plot has a lot to do with Dante's Inferno, something I now intend to read at some point, and plagues.

What was good?

I enjoyed this book more than other Dan Brown novels because Langdon didn't have much opportunity to give lengthy explanations about symbology. It wasn't as creepy as The Lost Symbol, so although I was terrified about plague, I wasn't so scared I couldn't enjoy it. Remember I am a wimp.

What was bad?

The ending wasn't really resolved. Which in some ways was good, it was different, but I think there was something missing. And I couldn't have guessed the ending which made me sad, because I like seeing things coming, but I suppose it probably qualifies as a good thing.

Who is it for?

Someone who enjoys a thriller that isn't too taxing to read. Maybe not so good if you are squeamish. I felt sick a couple of times, but I worked through it.

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