Friday, 24 July 2020

Sofa Spotlight - Love's Labour's Lost, William Shakespeare

So this one had very little effect on me. I apologise if you particularly love this play and I’m open to changing my mind if you can convince that I should pay it more attention. But honestly I didn’t really get what was going on, it was a bit hard to follow.

From what I understand it’s about a King and three of his friends decided that they are going to concentrate on studying for three years and therefore not have anything to do with women, and possibly they swear some kind of oath to this effect. It’s a case of speaking too soon though because all four of them manage to fall in love. Thankfully with different women. But there’s still the major confusion of who loves who, and who is saying what to who.

Like I say, not my favourite play so far on this journey. But maybe the next on will better. Also way too many apostrophes in the title.

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