Friday, 3 July 2020

Sofa Spotlight - As You Like It, William Shakespeare

I think my head was spinning by the time I got to the end of this play. Everyone seems to get themselves into a bit of a pickle and thankfully it all comes right in the end. This play involves Frederick who has stolen the kingdom from his brother and exiled him (but has let his niece stay because she’s friends with his daughter). Which is how much of the trouble start.

There is also another pair of unhappy brothers; Oliver and Orlando. Rosalind is the beforementioned niece and she isn’t overly happy either. So, all the unhappy characters seem to run away to the forest of Arden and fall in love with one another, sometimes not realising who it is that they have fallen in love with.

This was another play that I enjoyed because it’s so ridiculous that of course it is funny. But there were also some great lines to be enjoyed (but it’s Shakespeare so no surprises there). As I work my way through these plays I have been enjoying recognising quotes that get used in everyday language. But the word play is clever and that I think is what I love about Shakespeare.

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