Thursday, 10 April 2014

Book Smuggling and Dumas Treasure

Last weekend we went to visit the Ironbridge Gorge. I was planning my usual suitcase of books. But apparently this wasn't allowed - something about being social...?  With a limit of just one book I came up with a cunning plan to take three unobserved.

In case of a spot check I installed a false bottom to my bag. I hid two books in there and talked loudly about the ONE book I was taking with me. I made sure that EG had seen the ONE book and then I tried to get my bag out the door. What I hadn't reckoned with was the intense scrutiny of the house border control. The two illegal books were discovered, much to my annoyance and then I really was limited to just ONE book.

 I think it is a breach of my human rights.

Despite my poor book smuggling skills my ability to spot a Dumas book at a distance was in no way diminished. On the way to the Ironbridge bridge thing I got distracted by a second hand bookshop. With culture on hold EG and I gave the shop a quick scan. I spotted an Alexandre Dumas book I'd never heard of, Acte.

I've since googled it and most of the results are in French. What I did find out is that it is set during the reign of Nero, but that is all I could find out. I suppose that saves me from plot spoilers!

The bridge looked nice too.

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