Matthew - J. C. Ryle
This is a commentary on the book of Matthew and may seem a bit of a strange choice to read. It's not a bad thing to work through a commentary from time to time. There are some commentaries that are more "reference book" than others, but this one is aimed for use during a family's time with the Bible. However, I will be reading this one on my own, to read it with my family would require a lot of skype calls. I've used this one before a few years ago and I'm looking forward to reading it again. The chapters look really short - I think Ryle's idea was that you could read them in around ten minutes.
Celebrated Crimes - Alexandre Dumas
This was part of my Christmas present from EG. It is a collection of notorious crimes - I suppose that's why the title works so well! I'm part way through the first crime and it is making me want to know more about European history. On the way to work this week I was explaining this to EG and I said that the first part was about a pope that was being portrayed as a villain and that I would probably enjoy the book more if I knew more history. EG said, "It's not the Borgia family is it?" Yes it was - I clearly know nothing about that period of history. So at present I am reading about the crimes of the Borgia family. Will let you know how that goes.
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