Thursday, 10 July 2014

Sofa Spotlight - The Scarlet Letter and Selected Tales, Nathaniel Hawthorne

What's it about?

The first story in this book is The Scarlet Letter and tells the tale of a woman living in a Puritan society who has been found guilty of adultery. Only she is punished as her partner in crime has not been found. The story follows his guilt and what it results in. The other stories in the book are The Gray Champion, The Maypole of Merry Mount, The Minister's Black Veil, Young Goodman Brown and The Gentle Boy. 

What was good?

The short stories in this book are some of the best that I've read of Hawthorne. He keeps to the point and draws you in from the start. For me I enjoyed seeing a bit of what the culture of the new settlements in America would have been like. I know very little about that period/area of history so it was good to get a feel for it.

What was bad?

I get the impression that Hawthorne didn't like the Puritans. Sometimes it becomes tiring hearing his negative opinion. He paints them as the villains in most stories and I can't help but think he may be creating a stereotype. I plan to do some research to see if his view is based on something solid.

Who is it for?

If you like stories that are shorter this might be a good book for you. American literature fans, this one is also for you.

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