Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Cycling around with a 107 year old book

This may not have been the smartest idea I've ever had. Last week I tried my cycle to and from work plan again. It worked, I got there and back. The problems came when I tried to get home, and halfway there I ran out of steam. I sort of whimpered on a bit until I found a shop and then proceeded to eat a vanilla slice at record speed.

Fueled I continued and just about made it home. What I had forgotten was that I had my copy of Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales, which is over a hundred years old, in my bag. I'm pleased to say that it is in one piece, although I'm not sure it appreciated being bounced around in my bag for 40 miles.

Being tired I collapsed into bed and was asleep. Phone rang, my sister calling, and while still asleep I answered, told her I was veeerrrrryyyyy tiiiiiired. and that I had been on my bike. Not sure about much after that.

Thus I shall not be doing that again in a hurry. It's not good for books or phone conversations.

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