Saturday, 9 August 2014

Sofa Spotlight - Chosen by God, R. C. Sproul

What's it about?

This is a book about predestination. It isn't a long book, but it covers it's subject well. In nine chapters it deals with issues such as; God's sovereignty, free will and who Christ died for. Even though the book is short, only 186 pages, it is not a quick read. To fully appreciate all that is in this book you have to take it slow. Thinking is required, as it is not an easy subject to get your head around. Part of the problem is that you are trying to understand an infinite God with a finite mind. But that shouldn't stop us trying. Sproul shows how the Bible helps us to understand God's salvation plan and how His sovereignty is at work in that. From what the Bible says we can see a loving God that is completely in control.

What was good?

Sproul doesn't just write down his theology, tell you to accept it and then walk away. He starts his book by talking about how he held a different view and how he came to change that view. The new view that he holds is what he explains in this book. I think that because he understands different responses to predestination, because he held some of them, he can explain and help the reader to get a clearer picture of the alternatives. What I liked was that he took time to explain what he meant and what impact holding a particular viewpoint would have on your view of God.

What was bad?

It made my brain ache (which isn't really a bad thing).

Who is it for?

All Christians, but only if you are prepared for maybe having your mind changed.

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