Thursday, 1 January 2015

Book of the Month December '14

This month there actually is a book of the month! I finished two, but what makes it hard to choose one is that they were both ace. So I decided to choose by thinking about which one I raved about the most. Given that I annoyed EG so much by talking non stop about how much I enjoyed The Real Jane Austen, I felt that it should be my book of the month.

That isn't to say that The Cuckoo's Calling wasn't any good. It most defiantly was and I can't wait to read the sequels. But The Real Jane Austen made me want to read lots of books all at once and go visit grand houses. (Which may be a challenge for 2015, but you will have to wait and see. Although what a great way to use a National Trust membership!) For me what gave it the edge was that it was a book about a real person and it opened my eyes to what that person's life was like. I learnt so much more than I thought that I would, and as the writing style was so entertaining, it was fun learning!

Anyway check out what I thought of it here. I think that this would make a great present for any Jane Austen fan - it's never too early to start planning for Christmas!

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